Fiche cheval i am superman

R6C8platgroupe i 27666meydan (e.a.u)1800M330533jebel hatta15 partantsdépart à 15:45
Non-partants : 9
13alfareeqH62p2p(22)2p7pdane o'neill/101:48
24el dramaM5(22)5p2p(21)david egan/1encolure
310master of the seasH51p(22)1p(21)william buick/1encolure
45erzindjanH58p5p4p(22)4pray dawson/11 l 3/4
513russian emperorH61p6p(22)5p9palberto sanna/11/2 l
615valiant princeH51p1p(22)1p4pjames doyle/1cte tete
714shelirH74p2p3p(22)1pjason watson/11 l
81aegean finaleM42p2p(22)3p3payhan kursun/11 l 1/2
98i am supermanH74p3p(22)2p2ppatrick dobbs/12 l
1012real worldH6(22)2p2p9p0pdaniel tudhope/1cte tete
112aeonianH46p3p(22)9p2pantonio fresu/12 l 1/2
1211maydannyH73p0p(22)7p8pjim crowley/1encolure
136first winterH61p1p5p4pmickael barzalona/15 l
7hawa biladyM58p9p0p(22)1pfrancois herholdt/1
9land of legendsH70p4p(22)0p9ppatrick cosgrave/1

R5C7platcourse a conditions 28749meydan (e.a.u)1400M94438business bay challenge11 partantsdépart à 17:30
12danyahH60p(22)2p(21)dane o'neill/101:22
28modern newsH56p(22)2p3p2pwilliam buick/12 l
310shining blueH51p(22)5p0p6pdaniel tudhope/13/4 l
44i am supermanH73p(22)2p2p0pcolin keane/11 l
56major partnershipH89p(22)6p(20)louis steward/11/2 l
611spirit of lightH62p5p(22)8p0pantonio fresu/11 l 1/2
79rodaballoM65p(22)1p2p1pjose martinez/11/2 l
83erzindjanH55p4p(22)4p0pray dawson/13/4 l
91fast raajH56p(22)1p1p6pclement lecoeuvre/16 l 1/2
105land of legendsH74p(22)0p9ppatrick cosgrave/13/4 l
117manjeerH77p(22)5p8p2peddy hardouin/115 l

R5C5platgroupe ii 29761meydan (e.a.u)1600M169988zabeel mile8 partantsdépart à 16:20
16master of the seasH5(22)1p(21)7pwilliam buick/101:34
28shelirH73p(22)1p0p6pdaniel tudhope/11/2 l
33i am supermanH7(22)2p2p0p0pcolin keane/13 l 1/2
44land of legendsH7(22)0p9p(21)patrick cosgrave/11/2 l
52erzindjanH54p(22)4p0p0pray dawson/11 l 1/2
67modern newsH5(22)2p3p2p2pjames doyle/13 l 1/2
71desert fireH8(22)0p8p1ppatrick dobbs/120 l
85laser showH6(20)1p1p4p6plouis steward/18 l 1/2

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